Pro-Life Activist David Benham Arrested for Sidewalk Pregnancy Counseling

Apr 10, 2020

Pro-Life Activist David Benham Arrested for Sidewalk Pregnancy Counseling
Photo Credit: Screen capture from the Benham Brothers Facebook page video of David Benham's arrest
If abortions are allowed to continue during the coronavirus outbreak, why can’t pro-life protesters continue to stand for life outside of abortion clinics?

David Benham, a conservative activist, was protesting outside an abortion clinic in Charlotte, N.C., over the weekend with other sidewalk counselors from Cities4Life, the nonprofit he and his twin brother, Jason, founded, when he and several others got arrested.

The officers said that the sidewalk counselors were not complying with North Carolina’s COVID-19 stay-at-home and social distancing orders that require no more than 10 to gather in public and keep at least six feet of distance between people. But Benham said he was complying and also reasoned, “We are an essential federally recognized nonprofit charity that helps at-risk mothers and babies. We are within our rights to be here.”

Daniel Parks, the executive director of Cities4Life, explained, “Our attorneys have gone through the county and state stay-at-home orders and drafted a letter for us to assure us that our organization fits within the provisions for the order as an essential organization because we offer social services.”

“I can't believe we've gotten to this point where we're going to use a national healthcare emergency . . . [to] steal constitutional rights from pro-life Christians," Benham said.

Sen. Ted Cruz was appalled by the arrests and tweeted, “This is an unconstitutional arrest. @BenhamBrothers exercising core First Amendment rights. PEACEFULLY. In a way fully consistent w/public safety. Because elected Dems are pro-abortion, they are abusing their power—in a one-sided way—to silence pregnancy counselors.”

Benham was released the same day he was arrested. David and his twin brother, Jason, are best known for having their HGTV reality show canceled due to their belief in biblical marriage. 

Cities4Life claims to have saved more than 5,000 babies in Charlotte, N.C., from abortion.

News Sources

Benham Brother arrested for sidewalk counseling at abortion center during COVID-19
LifeSite News

Arrest Leads to Unrest About Pro-life Targeting
Family Research Council

David Benham Unlawfully Arrested
Benham Brothers Facebook page

Ted Cruz Twitter Feed

Benham Brother Says He Was “Unlawfully Arrested” Outside Abortion Center for Breaking Stay-at-Home Order

Eight Christians, Including David Benham, Arrested for Praying Outside Abortion Center, Trying to Save Babies
Life News

Cities4Life Homepage

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