Democratic National Convention Moved to August

Apr 10, 2020

photo of Joe Biden when he was vice president of the United States
The Democratic National Convention has moved from July 13–16 to the week of August 17 in Milwaukee, Wis., due to concerns over the coronavirus. So far the Republican National Convention remains unchanged and will take place at its regularly scheduled time of August 24–27 in Charlotte, N.C.

On April 2, Joe Solmonese, CEO of the Democratic National Convention Committee, said, “In our current climate of uncertainty, we believe the smartest approach is to take additional time to monitor how this situation unfolds so we can best position our party for a safe and successful convention.”

Then earlier this week, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told George Stephanopoulos on This Week, “We may have to do a virtual convention. I think we should be thinking about that right now. The idea of holding a convention is going to be necessary, but we may not be able to put 10-, 20- or 30,000 people in one place.”

Does the Republican National Convention have the same kind of contingency plan in light of the COVID-19 outbreak? Not yet. During Saturday’s Coronavirus Task Force press briefing, President Trump said, “We have no contingency plan. We're having the convention at the end of August and we think by the end of August we'll be in good shape.”

News Sources

Joe Biden Suggests DNC May Hold 'Virtual Convention,' Trump Says RNC Has 'No Contingency Plan'

DNC Postpones Presidential Convention to August over Coronavirus Fears
National Review

Democratic National Convention postponed to August due to coronavirus concerns
FOX News

Democratic convention moving from July to August amid COVID-19 concerns

Republican National Convention
RNC Charlotte

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