God Law & Liberty

Is the Bible All We Need for Political Engagement?

Today David begins to look at a third group he now sees involved in politics, those he calls neo-Theonomists. The prophet Isaiah as well as the person who prepared the soil for Abraham Kuyper’s political engagement, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, speak wisely to those who with a Benthamite view of the Bible run to the Capitol to press for enactment of certain laws of God.


David's Latest Commentary:

The Civilization-Defining Nature of an Upcoming SCOTUS decision involving Tennessee

Oct 11, 2024 by David Fowler

As I write, briefs are being filed with the United States Supreme Court on the constitutionality of Tennessee’s law prohibiting medical interventions on behalf of minors confused about their gender. With a straight face, I will tell you that I ...
The Civilization-Defining Nature of an Upcoming SCOTUS decision involving Tennessee

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