God Law & Liberty

The Neo-Covenanters: Who They Are and Why Their View of Law and Politics is Gnostic

Are you part of the neo-Covenantal tradition or the neo-Baptist tradition when it comes to law and politics? Today, David defines these two groups based on 30 years of dealing with Christians in the legal and policy spheres. In this episode, though, he explains why the neo-Covenanters are Gnostics and would have Calvin and Kuyper rolling in their graves.


David's Latest Commentary:

The Republican Strategy to Abolish Child Abuse

Sep 13, 2024 by David Fowler

Last week a group of “Republicans and other conservatives” filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court explaining how child abuse can be eliminated. It’s a very cogent proposition that liberals should love. So far, no...
The Republican Strategy to Abolish Child Abuse

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