Chemical Abortions on the Rise

Nov 8, 2019

graphic depicting a chemical abortion
While the rate of abortion in America has decreased, there are some alarming statistics that should give pro-lifers pause before claiming that a lower abortion rate is a sign of victory.

For starters, between 2014 and 2017, the latest figures from abortion facilities show that the percentage of women who attempted a do-it-yourself abortion and suffered complications increased from 12% to 18%.

Second, the rate of chemical abortions in the United States has increased as well, but it is hard to get the most accurate statistics. An official report shows that the rate has increased 25% since 2014. That means that nearly four in 10 abortions in the United States are chemical abortions. However, that rate could be rising even more thanks to Aid Access, which shipped more than 7,000 chemical abortion pill packages to women in America over the past year and a half. Since this figure goes undocumented in official abortion reporting and fewer than half the states have even released abortion data for 2018, who really knows what the latest chemical abortion rate is?

The FDA ordered Aid Access to stop its illegal practice in March, but Aid Access has not. It responded instead with a lawsuit.


News Source

The Troubling Rise of Do-It-Yourself Abortions
Daily Signal

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