Now to the Post-Election New Business at Hand: “Slam the Gram”

Nov 8, 2024 by David Fowler

Now to the Post-Election New Business at Hand: “Slam the Gram”
The election is over, and now it is time for pastors and other “Christian influencers” to get back to the business at hand. I can hardly wait until January when I can pursue that “business” in a new way. I wake up every morning excited to see what more I can learn about doing my new job well. Please let me tell you about “Slam the Gram.” It may be something those tiring of politics are in the market for.
Regular readers know I am leaving the “business” I was called to 18 years ago with The Family Action Council of Tennessee and Alliance for Law & Liberty. Their work relative to Tennessee’s legislature will continue, but in January I’ll be launching a new “business” though it may never have any corporate-type organizational form. I think it’s the business God has been preparing me for all my life.
But if the “business” were to have a slogan, I think it would be “Slam the Gram,” an abbreviated description of its mission: Repurpose the “Gram business model” that subverted our nation’s three most influential institutions. Please allow me to explain and offer you an opportunity to “buy into” the business.
What’s the “Gram” in “Slam the Gram”?
The “Gram” stands for Antonio Gramsci. He died in 1937 at the age of 46, but not before founding the Italian Communist Party. If that’s all he did, I might not care, but according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “his propositions became a fundamental part of Western Marxist thought and influenced the post-World War II strategies of communist parties in the West.” 
What The Gram Did That Revolutionized Our Country
Gramsci’s propositions and strategy for converting nations to Marxist thought arose from his study of history. It began with the realization that the model for achieving the atheistic thought revolution in society espoused by Marx had not sustained lasting results.
In his search for a solution, the Encyclopedia tells us that he “observed the relentless contribution of the institutions of civil society to the shaping of mass cognitions.” In other words, he noticed how the church had transformed education and law in Europe into what was known as Christendom.
So began what Marxists called “The Long March through the Institutions”—higher education, law schools, and seminaries—to destroy in each of those institutions what held things together, namely, a belief in a true revelation of God in the Bible and the meaning of history as God’s providential “march” through His institution—the church—to the consummation of His purposes for the ages.
The new Marxist model was a slow but steady intellectual takeover of a society. It was to be won not by bloody conflict, but by winning over the three aforesaid training grounds for the institutions that most influence the direction of a culture.
It took decades, but Gramsci’s “business model” succeeded marvelously everywhere in Europe and then in the United States. We live in a Marxist (godless) climate that is going to rain down on our heads, though it seems now that only a few dark clouds are blotting out the Son of Righteousness.
I covered this cosmological revolution in relation to law  in my book, The Naked Court—Understanding and Resisting a Damnable United States Supreme Court, available through Amazon. Or send an email to me at, and I’ll send you a pdf copy.
The mission of “my” new “business” is ridding the nation’s institutions of what Gramsci’s thinking wrought by seeking to restore what he destroyed.
Two Founding Precepts for the New Business
That mission is certainly ambitious. But it’s not undaunting because I’m slowly learning that the only way to start and continue doing anything as a Christian is by faith in the covenanted promises of God (not the “promises” I make up and then attribute to Him) because I know He will not be unfaithful to Himself.
The first founding precept is this: I’m bullish on the proposition that what God wanted to do through the first Adam at the very beginning is precisely what God wants to do in the person of His Son, who is the “second man” and “last Adam.” In other words, through the new head of a new humanity in Jesus, God will extend throughout the world a fuller representation of the glory of God demonstrated in the Garden that He planted for Adam and where He would meet with His people, who would fill the earth, for a communing worship.
Second, I’m also banking on God’s Word that says Jesus will physically remain in his present spiritual domain, heaven, until it’s time to turn over His fully formed Kingdom to the God the Father:
Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death (1Corinthians 15:24-26, NKJV)
Since the two conditions for the end have not come, I’m not hunkering down and waiting until I can fly away.
So, there’s time to start and “run” a successful new “business.” I simply need to start it, and keep praying, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
When I can no longer “run the business,” I will hand it down to the spiritual children God gives me, which includes, but is not limited to, my daughter and her family.
“My” Business Plan
The plan is the only one that, to my knowledge, God, in Christ, gave His people for the development of the institution He established and is known popularly as the church which is to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:18, NKJV).
The substantive content of that plan is laid out in Ephesians 4:12-13 (NKJV), namely, the “equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (emphasis supplied)
In scripture, faith and the knowledge of Jesus, as God and man, go together. Faith grows through a growing knowledge of the God who is revealed in the person of the Son of God; it begins to see, as Abraham did, the accomplishment of His purposes, formed before the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3), even if they remain far off (Hebrews 11:13, John 8:56).
As a result, the faith God is growing in me believes that those whose hearts (affections) and minds are re-formed in relation to God’s work in re-forming the institution He laid on the foundation of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) will, in time, reform the other institutions—they will “slam the Gram!”
What Do You Think?
Does your faith extend beyond getting saved and going to Heaven or, if reformed in your soteriology, the “doctrines of grace”? Is there more to this faith in the person and work of Christ than that?
Does your faith allow you to believe that the church might be revivified, and thereby revivify our other institutions, if Christians knew more about who Christ is as fully God and fully man and why that is world-changing; His relation to Creation and to all created things and their recreation in Him; and His ongoing work in the offices of prophet, priest, and king and what exercising the authority of those three offices means?
Let me put these two questions more simply:
Does your faith extend to a belief that those people who are known by God and know God, working together by all that God’s grace can supply to embrace all that Scripture says about who Jesus Christ is and what He is presently doing, could become so stoked in their affections for God and their minds so transformed by the glory of God that the Gram will someday be slammed and the ruins of Christendom restored?
Pitching the New Business to You and a Way to Buy In
If the answer about your faith is, “Not yet,” don’t worry. God can grow faith.
Faith in the God revealed in Scripture usually starts out no greater than the size of the mustard seed, but it is designed to mature and grow, even as the mustard seed becomes a tree providing a home for the birds. Mark 19:13. I believe that is the kind of thing God longs to do for the glory of His Son through the Church who He serves as its head.
Why do I think God would do that? Because God began to grow that kind of faith in me.
So, I’m launching this old but ever new “business” in the direction of two “markets,” first, those who are already part of God’s institution and have a heart for starting their own business, and second, the dissatisfied who find themselves longing for a faith in God like I’ve described.
If you are seriously “in the market” for seeing God grow your faith as He continues to grow it in me, send an email to me at I will send you a short white paper explaining the rudiments of what we would do.

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