Find Your Legislative District

If you do not know the number for either your state House or state Senate district, you first need to make sure you a registered voter in Tennessee.

You can look up your name in the Tennessee Department of State database of registered voters. If your name does not appear in this Voter Lookup database, you may not be registered to vote. Contact your county election commission to verify if you are registered to vote, or learn how you can register to vote in Tennessee.

Find Your Senate District

Zoom in on the area where you live on the Senate Districts map, and then click the map and your district number will be displayed. If you prefer, you can type in your street address to discover your Senate district.

Find Your House District

Scroll down the page, zoom in on the area where you live on the House Districts map, click on the map and your district number will be displayed. Alternately, you can type in your street address to locate your House district.

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